Welcome to Norbert Lösche

The website of Norbert Lösche presents works from 1970 until 2021. A life dedicated to art and creation. Here you will find one of his first ink drawings in the collection of Prof. GL., and you will discover new NFT editions. Stay tuned. Norbert Lösche studied several artistic spiritual and mystical areas over the decades. You will discover these in his works. You will see more than fifty years of creating art as a never ending attempt to share the beauty and the miracle of life. If you like what you see we would be grateful if you leave a comment. Please feel free to leave your contact details. There is more to come. The creation continues...



The abbreviation NFT comes from the English and stands for the three words "Non-Fungible Token". Non-fungible goods are objects that are unique within their class (e.g. works of art) and thus have an individual value. - The opposite of this are fungible goods (e.g. money or Bitcoin), in whose class all objects are interchangeable because their value is identical. With the help of NFTs, the authenticity and ownership of (currently mostly digital) goods can be clearly proven and documented via the Ethereum-Blockchain.
Since 2017 there has been an ever-increasing range of unique digital products. Nowadays, NFTs are helping the digital art sector to establish itself and to verify their works.
By purchasing a work of art validated by NFT-Technology, you receive unfalsifiable proof of authenticity.
You have full control over your purchase and can resell it on an increasing number of NFT-Platforms at your own discretion.


Street Art